Information that can help you on your journey to success.
Through the years I have learned a lot. I share this information in the hope that it will help you to achieve success more quickly than I have. Here are some ideas that have helped greatly.

Don't get married to the answer. What I mean by this is that as you share information with others don't care whether they say yes or no. What someone says will have a far greater affect on their life than on yours. No matter what they say you will continue to be headed for the top. Either answer is wonderful. If they say no, say "Wonderful, thanks for your time." and move on to the next person. If they say yes, say "Wonderful" and get them started or guide them to more information. No matter what they say it does not change how wonderful what we have to offer others is.

Three things that you constantly need to focus on are:
1. There are so many people praying for what we have to offer. It can change and bless people's lives in so many ways. We have a responsibility to share this with others.
2. If you don't share this with others someone else will. This is growing very fast throughout the world. Month after month Young Living is setting new sales records.
3. You are the only one that stands in your way of succeeding. You and only you are the reason you will either succeed or fail. You have become involved because you have made the decision to succeed. It is not if but when. Quitting is not an option. This is not something that you "try". This is your business that you are committed to for life.

Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake. - Thoreau

Here is some more information that will help you from the wonderful Dr. Wayne Dyer.
You do not have any problems, you only think you do. Problems are not out there somewhere they are in your thinking. Everything is energy. A problem is simply energy. How we process that energy is when it turns into a problem. When you separate yourself from your Source is when you develop problems. What you focus on is what expands. You are not what you have, what you do or what others think you are you are a creation in perfection. Ego keeps us separate from others and from God. When you move into the spiritual you become connected to everyone and competition is taken over by cooperation. True nobility is not about being better than anyone else it is about being better than you used to be. Be a little bit better every day.

The Prayer of Assisi
1. Make me an instrument of thy peace.
The highest part of us wants to be at peace.

2. Where there is hatred let me sow love.
In the end it is all between you and God, not you and them.

3. Where there is injury pardon.
If you are going to pursue revenge you had better dig two graves. - Chinese proverb

4. Where there is doubt faith.
Faith is the sound the song bird makes before the dawn.

5. Where there is despair let me send hope.
The problem is not that our hopes are too high and we don't achieve them but that they are too low and we do.

6. Where there is darkness light.
Light can make anything more beautiful. Light is a higher and faster energy. Fear cannot exist in the prescence of light.

7. Where there is sadness let me bring joy.
You never know what the affect will be in someone's life when you share your joy with them.

Top 10 Principles For Success and Inner Peace
1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.
Too many people are always looking to be offended. No matter what someone says reply, "That's an interesting way of thinking." Progress is impossible if you do things as you've always done them.

2. You can't give away what you don't have.
You can't give away love to others if you don't have it within you. You get back from the universe what you put forth into it. If you are full of contempt or anger or fear that is what you are giving to others. There is unlimited abundance. If you say to the universe "How may I serve?" the universe will say back to you "How may I serve?". You will be amazed at what happens when you shift from what can I receive to what can I give.

3. There are no justified resentments.
If you carry around resentment about anything that has happened to you those resentments will end up hurting you. You must send blame out of your life. No matter what has happened you need to admit that the reason you are where you are at is because of choices you have made. No matter what comes you way send forth love. It is so important to make others feel important and that they can make a difference.

4. Don't die with your music still inside you.
There are no accidents. Everyone has a purpose. You were put here for a reason. Too many people are afraid to listen to their music.

5. Embrace silence.
Go to the place within you that you can't divide. You will come to know your Source. Connect with your spirit. A spiritual awakening happens in the silence. Practice meditation on a daily basis.

6. Give up your personal history.
If you don't have a history you don't have to live up to it. Embrace and then toss your past. Embrace and move into the now because now is all that matters.

7. You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it. If you are wrong admit it and change your mind. There is no guilt to being wrong.

8. Treat yourself as if you already are what you want to become. See it, believe it and you definitely achieve it.

9. Treasuring your divinity.
You can never be separated from God, you are always connected. He is greater that is in you than he that is in the world.

10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that will weaken you.
Thoughts of anguish, anxiety, fear will disempower you. Shift it to a thought that will empower you. What you expect and think about is what you will find showing up in your life. Change your thoughts and you will change your life.

Why You Should Consider Network Marketing
by Randy Gage

In any group of people, a few will retire young, rich and worry-free. A few more will work hard and long, but finally retire in comfort. Most, however, will slog through 45 years of life in the rat race, only to eke out their "golden years" on a meager pension.

What separates these groups...and what are the secrets possessed by those in the first one? How do they get so wealthy, so fast? And what can someone do to ensure they end up in this group? It's an intriguing question...

One I feel eminently qualified to answer. For not only do I belong to this first group, but I've helped thousands more join it.

Make no mistake, however. I'm not referring to captains of industry, market traders, or the real estate tycoons. For while these people have amassed great monetary wealth, they don't retire early, and they certainly do not appear to be worry-free. They're winning the rat race, but they're living like rats.

The group I'm referring to is a new breed of entrepreneur--the individual who has built walk-away residual income. What I call "drink out of a coconut" money. These people have built a multi-level money machine ... one that showers them with rewards whether they remain working or choose to spend their days on a tropical beach, with their toes in the sand, sipping from that coconut.

The parallels of how these people reached this success are intriguing indeed.

You might think they attained their status through higher education, but this is not the case. Many members of this group are high school dropouts (like myself), while we know that there are many people with multiple diplomas out looking for work.

And while the people in my group worked hard to attain their considerable prosperity, that alone was not the deciding factor. In fact, although I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this, most people work harder than my group members and me, but they certainly don't receive the rewards we do.

The mechanic who tunes up my cars, the man who landscapes my lawn, my massage therapist and my usual waitress at my favorite restaurant all work much harder than I had to, yet none of them are wealthy doing what they do. Not one of them shows a chance of retiring early.

These people, and millions more like them, are prisoners in a dysfunctional economic system. They are hostages in the time-for-money trap. To receive more money, they must work harder or longer. Most are stuck in salaried positions or jobs restricting overtime, so one job doesn't even offer them the opportunity to trade more time for more money. As a result, they put their spouse or partner to work, which of course is still not enough. It's a vicious cycle. 

And a very foolish one...

Because as long as you play the "trading time for money" game, you can never reach true financial security. The people in my group have discovered that attaining true economic freedom requires that you employ two basic prosperity principles:

1. You must employ the concept of leverage to escape the trading-time-for-money dilemma; and 

2. You need to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and know you're talking to the boss.

Once you have an understanding of these two principles and actively apply them in your life, your prosperity is assured.

You'll find both of these principles are foundational anchors of the Network Marketing opportunity. When you take the entrepreneurial excitement of working for yourself and combine that with leveraging yourself 

Through a network of other excited entrepreneurs, the results are exponentially spectacular. The synergistic process creates a whole that is much more powerful than its individual parts. Done properly, the end result is a self-perpetuating, multi-level money machine.

And you can drive it...

To do so, you have to do two things. First, you must commit yourself to one day escaping the modern-day slavery of a regular Friday paycheck. You must become the creator of your own destiny. 

And second, you must affiliate yourself with a solid Network Marketing company. Network Marketing (sometimes called Multi-Level Marketing or MLM for short) is one of the strongest growth industries in the world. It's practiced today in all 50 United States and over 75 countries and territories around the globe. Millions of independent distributors produce an annual volume estimated at 60 to 80 billion dollars. Network Marketing perfectly utilizes J. Paul Getty's three secrets of wealth:

1. Get a product everyone needs.

2. Duplicate yourself.

3. Be self-employed.

Why should you get involved with Network Marketing? There are probably as many answers as there are distributors. Usually though, it comes down to the lifestyle networking can give you. Some of the unique benefits of this business include:

o Choosing the people you work with;
o Going into business with a very small investment;
o Working from home;
o Picking the hours you want to work;
o Discovering unique products not available elsewhere;
o Reaping the rewards of numerous tax advantages;
o Enjoying the opportunity for an unlimited income; and
o Having the chance to build your success while empowering others to succeed.

Probably the why of networking can best be summed up as "freedom from the rat race." The benefits we discussed are not available anywhere else. While most people accept this to be true of working for someone else, they mistakenly believe that having their own traditional business will give them these benefits.

As a former Chamber of Commerce president and owner of ten small and medium-sized businesses, I can personally attest that in many ways, owning a traditional business can be more limiting than working for somebody! Because of things like employee turnover, inventories, large investments, government regulation and market competition, I was oftentimes working longer hours for less pay than my employees were!

People are tired of merger mania, leveraged buy-outs, layoffs and "dress for success." People today are looking for rewarding work situations, balance, and quality time with their loved ones.

That's where Network Marketing comes in...
In networking, unlike the corporate rat race, you never get ahead by holding others back. The road to success in networking is traveled by empowering others. You cannot be successful without helping others to be successful. In fact, the more people you help, the more successful you become.

If you're looking to get rich quick, Network Marketing is really not for you. However, if you're willing to work hard on a part-time basis for two to four years to build lifetime financial security, then this is the place for you. The flexible hours make it a perfect business to start while you keep your current job, even if you're a student or a housewife with children. If you want your own business, but only have a few hundred dollars to get it started, you're in the right place at the right time.

Network Marketing has emerged as the last real chance in the free enterprise system for the average person without large capital to become financially free. It is helping you by helping others.